Desinfektan Kandang Ayam Terlengkap & Terbaik


Desinfektan Kandang Ayam

Disinfektan dan fungisida Cap Badak

Ini adalah agen pembersih berbasis sulfur carbendazim dosis rendah & residu remover bio desulfurisasi sehingga ramah dan tidak mencemari lingkungan.

Berkinerja tinggi yang diformulasikan khusus untuk menghilangkan residu kimiawi mikroskopis, terutama dari penggunaan obat-obatan antibiotic yang larut bersama kotoran ternak. Juga efektif untuk infeksi jamur, protozoa, bakteri dan virus.

Diuji laboratorium & terbukti di lapangan.

Aturan Pakai

Untuk Peternakan Ayam Petelur

Pertama kali semprot 5 hari berturut-turut saat sore hari dosis 3ml/ liter air,

Spray kabut untuk kotoran, ayam dan seluruh kandang,

Saat bau mulai berkurang artinya parasit spt amoeba, bakteri, jamur dan virus sudah mulai terkontrol,

Setelahnya bisa anda semprot seminggu sekali atau saat bau kandang sudah mulai terasa.

Untuk Ayam Broiler

Spray seluruh kandang sebelum chick in, spray seminggu 2x saat umur seminggu,

setiap hari saat umur 8- 18 hari, umur 19 sampai panen spray setiap hari 2x sehari pagi dan sore

Untuk Pertanian Padi

Dosis 3ml/ liter air, spray saat olah lahan yakni 7hr sebelum tanam, 7hari setelah tanam,

dan setiap 2 minggu sekali total 4x selama musim tanam,

berfungsi menyehatkan/ membenahi tanah, pH buffer, mengendalikan virus dan jamur.

Untuk Tanaman Sayur penting untuk spray saat pengolahan lahan 7 hari sebelum tanam

Untuk Tanaman Tahunan seperti pohon durian, pisang, mangga, karet dan sawit,

spray saat awal musim penghujan,

pertengahan dan ahir musim penghujan, saat yg paling ideal adalah ketika tanah dan pohon basah.

Untuk minum ternak 3ml/ 200liter


souce :  izzannauraa

"Tumblr was founded by David Karp and launched in New York City, in February of 2007... It was built to be a simple, social blogging platform..."

"Users could design their own home pages; post text, images, gifs, or videos; and follow a feed of others doing the same.... In 2013, when Tumblr had seventy-three million accounts, Yahoo acquired it for more than a billion dollars. But, in 2016, the company did a writedown of seven hundred and twelve million dollars... [In 2019] Automattic, the commercial arm of the content-management system WordPress, acquired the site for a reported three million dollars. It was easy to assume that Tumblr was dead.... It’s one of the few social networks where users can still publish entries that resemble blog posts. The Tumblr users I spoke to, both new and returning, cited a few unfashionable aspects that keep them using the platform. Tumblr’s main feed doesn’t shuffle posts algorithmically based on what it determines might appeal to a user. It’s 'a good, old chronological river'... 'It’s the periphery of the internet; nothing important is happening there.'... What makes Tumblr obsolete, for the moment, are the same things that lend it an enduring appeal. The fact that it maintains a following should remind us that we use social-media services by choice; no platform or feature is an inevitability. As Karina Tipismana, the student, told me, 'People say stuff like, "I wish we could still use Tumblr." It’s there, it’s there!'"

From "How Tumblr Became Popular for Being Obsolete/The social-media platform’s status as a relic of the Internet has attracted prodigal users as well as new ones" by Kyle Chayka (The New Yorker).

Tumblr predates the places that are not obsolete — Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok. The point here is that the obsoleteness is what's so good. If there's nostalgia for blogs, if there's something inherently appealing in blogs that is lost in these other places, let's remember not only Tumblr, but also Blogger, which has been around since 1999.

I thought I was getting into blogging late when I began this blog 18 years ago. Blogger had already existed for 5 years. I didn't want to miss out on blogging entirely, though part of me thought, it's too late. And I remember when Tumblr was the new thing, 3 years later. I remember all the others — Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok — when they were new. But I'm still here with the old, still blogging old school. I don't need to look back to the time when blogging was blogging, like it's something quaint, from simpler times

I've stuck to the discipline, daily blogging, absolutely no skipped days in 18 years. I've got to make the announcement every year, and it's that day again, my bloggiversary. I'm not stopping now. And thanks to everyone of you. If you've got this far, you haven't stopped reading.